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Juicy Fruit

There was a time when Lehman Brothers, Woolworth, PanAm and Kodak were among the colossi of their industries. They were going to live forever. Then they died. So what went wrong? Why do some organizations continue to grow even as…

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Starry Night

When people are presented with disagreeable facts they tend to double down on their own truth. Regardless of who you voted for in the last election, for example, you were probably complicit in editing data that didn’t suit your preferences—and…

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Today we have more freedom to make our own choices than any civilization has ever known. We’re asked to make complex choices about a multitude of subjects we can’t possibly know all about. We don’t know what, can’t distinguish which, don’t know…

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It has become commonplace in the digital world to talk about the wisdom of the crowd--the aggregated opinions of everybody. The problem is that the crowd isn't everybody. The crowd is pockets of interest, loud voices, competing truths. Published in…

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